Sunday, 18 February 2018

Day of Rest

Lent Day 5 - Sabbath, the day of rest.  I am thankful every week for Sunday, thankful that God instituted a day of rest.  "For He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust" (Ps.103:14).  I am the kind of person who has always needed a lot of rest and I am thankful for a day when that is all that is required of me.

The notion of rest also lines up with both Session 3 from my PD (I looked at my paper and remembered!) and the sermon I heard this morning, delivered by my own husband.  Session 3 was about maintaining a margin in one's life:  "A good life, like a good book, should have a good margin."  - F. W. Boreham.  Some white space around the edges.  The equation for margin is RESOURCES - LOAD = MARGIN.  To increase one's margin, one must either increase resources or decrease load.

As both Terry Young said on Friday and my husband said this morning, when Jesus went to a lonely place or up into the mountains to pray to his Father, he was increasing his resources - taking time away from the important work he was doing with the crowds and praying to his Father was building him up, sustaining him to allow his work to be sustainable.  And if even Jesus needed that margin, that rest from work, how much more do I need that same thing?  That time spent with my Creator who knows I need some white space around the edges of my life.  Thank God for the day of rest.

But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.  Luke 5:16

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