Thursday, 18 July 2013

The “Epic-est” Summer

I was outside in the garden the morning of my son's dentist appointment when I heard whooping and cheering from the boy department inside the house. Somehow, I suspected it didn't have to do with the dental appointment. I figured the boys would tell me what was so exciting if it merited my attention.

No one came out to tell me, so I assumed someone had won a game on the computer or some other equally important accomplishment. When I went inside, though, both boys rushed to tell me the reason for their jubilation: TONY HAWK was coming to Winnipeg – TODAY! It said so on the radio!

For the uninitiated, Tony Hawk is a professional skateboarder, has been for almost 30 years, which is actually quite astonishing. He was the one to aspire to many years ago when my brothers were teenagers and into skateboarding. He's older than I am – what could be so great about an old “has been?” But, being a dutiful mother, I went and checked online to see if going to see Tony Hawk was even a feasible idea. Turns out, he was going to be at Polo Park in Winnipeg at 3:00 PM and was going to be doing a 45 minute demo.

Well, my son's dentist appointment was at 3:40 PM in Portage. There was no way going to see Tony Hawk would work. Logistically, it just wasn't feasible. End of story.

Except, of course, it wasn't.

There was great sadness and wailing; there was fighting and blaming of the boy needing to go to the dentist. If it weren't for him and his stupid tooth that needed to be pulled, we would be able to go see Tony Hawk, etc., etc.

So, just before lunch and getting cleaned up to go to the dentist, I called my husband to see if I was inflicting cruel and unusual punishment for taking my kid to the dentist instead of taking the boys for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to see this legendary skateboarder from California who was in Winnipeg for one day only?

Ten minutes later, we were on our way to Winnipeg, skateboard and cameras in tow.

The boys were pretty “stoked.”

We stood with the crowd of skateboard fans, most of whom were young enough to be Tony Hawk's kids or even grandkids, and waited under the blistering sun for almost an hour, waiting for the show to start.

And then it did.

There were five other pro skaters with Tony Hawk, five other athletes who compete in the X games, five other skaters half the age of Tony Hawk. And they were really good.

But Tony Hawk was the best, hands down. Smooth and fluid on the half pipe, doing tricks with grace and finesse that most men his age wouldn't dream of even attempting.

It was a pretty good show. The boys were thrilled to have been able to “high-five” Tony Hawk several times and they were there! In real life!

This is the 'epic-est' summer ever!” enthused my oldest boy. “Thanks for taking us, Mom. And thanks for being on our side, Dad!” Somehow, I suspect a trip to the dentist's office to have a tooth pulled wouldn't have garnered that same enthusiasm, or have rocketed our summer to such stratospheric praise. And I was happy I had taken my kids to see Tony Hawk.

Sometimes, you just have to grab opportunities when they present themselves and put practicality on hold.

       One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy.
       One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself.
                                                                                          Gretchen Rubin

                  Happiness often sneaks in a door you did not think was open.

My son's dental appointment has been rescheduled for August 8.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this...way to live in the moment! Last year we were heading into Brandon for a midwife appointment and we had an hour to kill. On the way in I heard the RCMP musical ride was in Brandon that day at the very time we were free. We raced to see it and the girls were so excited. I was pretty shocked at how doing something so unplanned rocked their day!
