Monday, 19 February 2018

Amber Stones Part III

Lent - Day 6

 Today was Louis Riel/Family Day so we all got to be at home.  I got some home chores done that have been waiting awhile as well as some resting and school work (but not too much!).  Derek wasn't feeling well today so he spent a lot of it curled up in a blanket.  Sara did some crafts and made a cake and practiced her piano and read a book.  Mike did some laundry and some homework and some other things.  Jeff got in some work and some rest and some slide guitar playing - he is looking forward to the possibility of getting his finger cast off on Thursday.

What did I learn today?

Bentley and I went for a walk this afternoon;  it wasn't even too cold or too windy.  I came across one of those "marble-like" stones that I love.  I used to collect any amber translucent stone, but I accumulated so many that they started to lose their value.  So in the last number of years, I have only picked up the ones that are smooth all around like a marble.

Later in the day, I was moaning a little about my work and Mike suggested that I needed to do some "soul-seaching."

"I've been trying to do some soul-searching for the last five or seven years," I exclaimed.  And then I wondered about my stones:  I used to be looking carefully for any "amber opportunity" on the road or in life.  Maybe I'm far enough down the road and in life that I need to start just choosing only the special, smooth ones, not pick up every available opportunity that presents itself, to be more discretionary in what I choose to do, more discerning.  I don't know...


  1. Very lovely.The images made me wish to be there.Elder care Tampa wishes to know more about this place.Your observations are appreciable.

  2. Thank you for this part of amber stones.HP Couplings very much interseted in such stones.Waiting for next.

  3. Lovely stones.DONALDSON distributors  wishes to have that stones.Thank you for the post.
